About Us
Curryville Fisheries is a professional, science-based, and fully integrated business serving all lake and pond owners in the Midwest. Our operation consists of a 32 acre fish farm, where we raise a variety of warm water fish species. We also provide professional biological management services.
Since we first began this business, our mission was very clear and simple. Offer the highest quality products and services to every lake and pond owner we meet. It is a Golden Rule business where we treat all of our customers in the manner we would like to be treated. There is only one way to succeed in this business and that is through dedication, hard work, integrity, and knowledge. These are qualities we try to bring to our business operation everyday of the year.
Our business practices are based upon sound and scientific principles which have been successfully proven over decades. Ted Werenski is a fisheries Biologist with a Master’s Degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. He has an extensive educational and practical background in many areas of aquatic sciences. These include Fisheries, Limnology, Ichthyology, Freshwater Aquaculture, Fisheries Research, Scientific Report Writing, Fish Physiology, Fish Health, Aquatic Weed and Algae Management, Water Quality Analysis, Sport fish Development, and more. Therefore, the science of our industry is taken very seriously in the way we perform our many different jobs and services.

Why Us
Our goal is to provide the education, biological knowledge, and professional expertise along with the highest quality of aquatic products and services. We are passionate about helping each client take proactive steps that have been scientifically proven to enhance the ecology, aesthetics, and value of their lake or pond.
We firmly believe that every lake/pond owner should understand that they have the capability and resources to properly manage their lake/pond so it will continue to appreciate in value year after year. Our business philosophy is quite simple “treat every customer the way we would like to be treated”.